Antonio Kuschnir

  • Biography

    Antonio Kuschnir explores the plurality of sensations that permeate human existence through painting and drawing. His practice delves into the complexity of human relationships and emotions, ranging from subjective experiences to representations of an idealized collective imaginary.

    Born in Brazil (2001), Kuschnir began his artistic journey at the age of six, studying painting at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV–Parque Lage), where he held his first group exhibition. He later earned first place in Art History at UERJ and Painting at UFRJ, where he is currently pursuing his degree. In 2019, he held his first solo exhibition at Galeria Macunaíma. Between 2020 and 2022, his solo exhibition Choro was presented in São Paulo at Galeria b_arco and MAC Niterói,making him the youngest artist to occupy the museum’s main hall. His work is part of significant public collections, including MAC Niterói and the Centro Cultural da Diversidade in São Paulo.

    Kuschnir is now based in Germany and is currently in residence at the La Napoule Art Foundation Residency in France.