O Sentido do Original na Gravura: César Brandão, Jorge Francisco Soto, Clemente Padin and Falves Silva

9 October - 9 December 2018 São Paulo
The Sense of the Original in Printmaking, Cezar Brandão, Jorge Francisco Soto, Clemente Padin and Falves Silva
BARÓ Galeria presents the exhibition The Sense of the Original in Printmaking, composed of prints in dialogue with original works by contemporary visual artists and poets. The prints presented are edited and printed by Gravuras no Brasil, partner of the BARÓ Galeria for this occasion. Featured in the main room are graphic works by artist Almandrade, and in the following rooms works by Cezar Brandão, Jorge Francisco Soto, Clemente Padin and Falves Silva. The whole exhibition offers a small panorama of a Latin American visual experience (Brazil and Uruguay), and its poetic dimension, seeking to captivate a critical and sensitive eye, as well as to develop a taste for art.
In the midst of the digital era, handmade engraving rescues a millenary practice. Handmade, it is an accessible way to have an original work of art, with no loss of aesthetic qualities, and opportune for those who start a collection, besides a clear incentive to live with this enigmatic object, art. 
"I like the engraving itself, the autonomous engraving, the engraving that
primitively does not illustrate anything, the one I call printmaking
auto-eidetic."  Gaston Bachelard
In addition, the show will launch poem books, albums printed in silkscreens and with limited editions, thus making available to the public a poetic work, at first of diverse content, with editorial consistency.
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