Breaking the Cycle: mounir fatmi

8 June - 15 July 2023 Mallorca
The exhibition is a reflection on the need to break from pre-established patterns, habits and repetitive cycles that often govern us without our awareness. The pieces presented in “Breaking the Cycle” invite viewers to explore how in breaking conventional cycles, we are rewarded with awareness causing a meaningful change of perspective.

fatmi engages in various ways of breaking cycles, whether by deconstructing symbols and clichés, detaching from norms and conventions, or by highlighting the complexity and ambiguity of our behavior, and our relationships. Part of the works play with the notion of transformation, causing us to question our perception of time and space. Others offer a reflection of the symbiotic relationship between the individual and society, showing how behaviors and attitudes of some influence others.

By breaking this cycle, the artist encourages us to get out of our comfort zone and explore new horizons, to consider different perspectives, to see the world from a new angle. The exhibition is a deep reflection on the contradictions of contemporary society, a call to action, an incentive to reflect on all the events that change our lives daily.
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