ARCOmadrid 2022: Amparo Sard, Albert Pinya, Ángel Marcos, Gary Hill, Solimán López, José María Sicilia, Oscar Abraham Pabón, Paula Anta, Rosell Meseguer, Sidival Fila

23 - 27 February 2022

BARÓ celebrates its 23rd participation in ARCOMadrid 2022 by bringing together a careful selection of works by Amparo Sard, Albert Pinya, Ángel Marcos, Gary Hill, Solimán López, José María Sicilia, Oscar A. Pabon, Paula Anta, Rosell Meseguer and Sidival Fila are artists whose languages express the spirit that the gallery has promoted during its almost 3 decades of work dedicated to promoting new forms of creation.


Hidden Look by Ángel Marcos comprises 44 photographs that allude to the Rock of Gibraltar as an icon that expresses the social construction of time that becomes its contemporary perception, leading us with his gaze at a no-place with the symbolic load that geographically and politically entails. The photograph is an aesthetic resource that takes us to the hidden, the invisible, through what becomes evident to the gaze.

Gary Hill, forerunner of video, video art and video installation, involves the viewer in an act of perception in which, through the presence of various resources manipulated by technological systems, he leads him to an integral experience as an art form. , as a performative action that leads to an esthetic experience.

José María Sicilia expresses through technological resources, such as industrial embroidery based on computer orders, an apparently fragmented and geometric language, but whose signs we understand as signifiers of our environment; the treatment of the unfolded, veiled, and re-evidenced space as a concept (rooms - thus defined in some cases) is intermingled with light as an element that allows you to appreciate the depth of his pieces. In GOAL Sicilia represents the moment in which it is generated a transformation of the fact, the moment in which the events that will give a unique shape to a event; in this case a series of «goals» that are nothing more than the concretion -in a time that barely lasts long enough to be perceptible- of those changes in the state of the movement of a ball generated by the action of the players.

Solimán López presents us with OLEA, he brings us a mobile sculpture that contains in its interior the olive oil created by the artist, in whose composition he has incorporated artificially produced DNA molecules that respond to the data of the OLEA cryptocurrency. With this, the work acquires a new dimension, becoming a biological support for its digital information.

And Amparo Sard expresses, with her installation Landscape out of place, the emotional states that arise from the confrontation between consciousness and the act of perceiving, understanding the real position of the creative fact; the post-event interpretation.

Sometimes in the face of technology, history, or on other occasions, facing the complex fact of existence. The creative processes developed in each of his proposals materialize in objects -or in concepts- the moment in which the creative intention is concentrated, in which a unique form of expression is generated that promotes a change in the spectator, an action that motivates the development of Baró as a space for the arts.

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