From June 30th the Baró gallery presents "The Place as Space", group exhibition curated by Francisco Dalcol that, as defined by the curator himself: "it is a group show that tries to share a thought that becomes space as the exhibition place is practiced. Practicing in a double sense: in the collaboration between artists and this critic - now curator - in the conception of the visuality that one wants to show; but also through the experience of the spectator who enters this field of senses and goes through it according to his or her access and navigation parameters." The reflection proposed by Dalcol reverberates from the gallery's two environments. In its first room, the visitor will be able to experience the interconnection of balances, weights and densities of the work of Túlio Pinto, who will present two site-specific works for the exhibition.
The second room of the exhibition, located at the back of the gallery, brings works by Frantz - who uses painting to approach a series of shuffles that focus on a reconfiguration of the gaze. In the Baró container, an annex to the gallery, visitors can experience the dialogue between distinct poetics and different artistic approaches proposed in the meeting of works by Bruno Borne, Guilherme Dable, the duo Io, Lilian Maus, Diego Passos, and Letícia Lopes.
Although the nine selected artists have the same artistic origin, being all from Porto Alegre - capital city of Rio Grande do Sul, this should not serve as a basis to determine them (or their works.) After all, as stated by Dalcol: "It is better to understand it as a coordinate between time and place that informs more about where the meeting and sharing between their affections took place, and also from where they start to intersect throughout their individual trajectories, as is the case of the circumstance offered by this collective."
The exhibition has its opening on 06/30 (Saturday), from (time) to (final time), and is open to visitation until (closing date).
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