4,33 Metros: Paulo Nenflídio

In his first solo show at Baró, Paulo Nenflidio exhibits the unprecedented work "4,33 meters" at Baró Jardins' container. A wooden pendulum 4.33 meters long is kept in perpetual motion. At the apex of its movement is a crystal bowl containing water. Small changes in the airflow around the piece influence the movement by creating an intermittency of touch. The pendulum touches this container so subtly that it is possible to see it on the surface of the water, but it is not possible to hear the sound.

With a degree in Plastic Arts from ECA - USP and in electronics from ETE Lauro Gomes, Paulo Nenflidio has a vast research in the field of electronics and acoustic physics, which he uses in the creation of sculptures, objects and sound and kinetic installations. This multidisciplinarity explicit in the artist's work, brings new technologies allied to a pre industrial revolution aesthetic, which involves in the process current solutions of digital and analogical electronics. He also makes a relationship with the history of electroacoustic music, and some of his works are creations of instruments that fall under the concept of "Music of Invention".
In 2003 he participated in the artist residency Bolsa Pampulha in Belo Horizonte during which he made the work Music of the Winds. In 2005 he received the Sergio Motta Art and Technology Award for his work. In 2009 he did an artist residency at the ASU Art Museum in Arizona and produced an individual work during the residency. He participated in the 7th Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul and the 2010 Paralela exhibition. He received in 2011 the CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça Fine Arts Award and in 2013 the Funarte Marcantonio Vilaça Award. They have works in important collections such as Inhotim Contemporary Art Center, Museu de Arte Moderna de SP, Museu de Arte Moderna do RJ, MAC USP ibirapuera SP, among others, as well as private collections in Brazil and abroad.
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