ORDEMHA: Lourival Cuquinha

2 September - 20 October 2016 São Paulo
Starting this Friday, September 2 at 5pm, Baró Galeria Jardins presents the solo exhibition "OrdeMha" by artist Lourival Cuquinha. The exhibition consists of new works in various formats and dimensions, from occupations in the gallery's exhibition space to videos, projections and installations.
The artist is exhibiting works that discuss Brazil's current political moment, as well as recent events in national history, such as what happened in Mariana, Minas Gerais, and the lives of the people who inhabit regions like the Xingu affected by the construction of the Belo Monte dam.
In one of the pieces, the mud of Mariana moves in a glazed container, as in an hourglass. For the artist, "this work points out how people milk the world, using resources like termites in a destructive way". From this uneasiness comes the name of the exhibition, "OrdeMha". In another work, the artist uses shades of colour in a sequence that begins in flag green and ends in petrol blue, to denounce the exploitation of natural resources, such as those of the pre-salt. Also part of the show is a work that uses a piece of the gallery's own floor to discuss the value of the square meter of the region where the space is located. The exhibition will be open until October 22 and admission is free.
The opening of the exhibition also marks the soft opening of Galer[it], a space annexed to the gallery, set up in a container, which will feature performances and temporary exhibitions. Galer[it] was born in a partnership between Contain[it] and Baró Galeria and is a structure that flirts with the concept of nomadism, an interpretation of the incessant flow of people in big cities, and may be taken as an art space to fairs and other cities.
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