Paredes Móveis : Daniel Arsham

3 September - 8 November 2015 São Paulo

Baró Gallery presents the exhibition Moving Walls, from artist Daniel Arsham. For his second exhibition at Baró, Daniel Arsham back up again to the manipulation of architectural concepts, a constant in his work. In this exhibition spaces and forms we experience in our daily life are presented in surprising ways. Daniel has three interventions from the architectural design of Baró: in one of the works, "Corner Knot", two walls of the gallery gain unexpected elasticity and come together in a knot. In another work, "Formless Figure", an indefinite spectrum becomes important on the wall.

Besides the exhibition, there will be a sreening on the same day, in a single session, of three short directed by Daniel Arsham at Cine SESC. The series "Future Relic" has James Franco and Juliette Lewis in the cast and was featured in the last Tribeca Festival.

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