Origen: Amparo Sard

15 September - 31 October 2022 Mallorca
BARÓ is pleased to announce its new exhibition, ORIGEN, the first solo show by the artist Amparo Sard at the gallery. The exhibition brings together a set of recent works that move between sculpture and drawing and reflect the new directions of the artist's concise research.

Amparo Sard makes the following reflection on her exhibition, ORIGEN:

All that we are, we were already in a simpler way in the past; the action prior to a work of art, the trigger for that drive, what moves us to create it as well. The human being is the only living being on the planet aware that life ends; she is also the only living being capable of creating works of art “conscientiously”. Action and reaction. The day that both events converged for the first time in our ancestors, we could understand the art of storytelling and the creation of abstract thought as a magical extension of the human being, as a labyrinthine extension between our consciousness and our unconscious where the alchemical inversion was not lacking, presenting itself the artist as a prophet who tries to tune in to the era of her present.
Amparo Sard focuses not only on the origin of artistic creation, but on that first traumatic event that fractured the mind of our predecessor, leading him to perceive her life, and her world, in a new and forever disturbing way. She shows us the individual artist for whom death is the infinite that escapes him at every moment, synthesized disorder and order, disjointed fragments that she tries to compose and that are diluted in history, in life, in our being.
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