Baró House: Our experimental ‘lieu de vie’
Parallel to the exhibition "July 3023" by Daniel Arsham and on the occasion of the second anniversary of the opening of BARÓ Galeria in Palma, we present a new art project under the name of BARÓ House.
BARÓ House is a meeting platform to create synergies between artists, collectors and curators. An experimental space where art is lived, touched and conversed.
Having as central axis the Global South art that has always marked the extensive trajectory of the gallery, we propose a group exhibition with represented artists Susy Gómez, Amparo Sard, Albert Pinya, AVAF, Sidival Fila and Massimo Vitali and new proposals of the emerging scene in Mallorca as Sara Regal, Thomas Perroteau and Marion de Raucourt.
Opening party will be on July 27 from 18h to 21h, with Bibi Smalls DJ and Rosa Blanca.
Within the program will be announced upcoming events and meetings that will continue to shape the BARÓ House experience.
Daniel Arsham, Moon Phases I, 2017
Assume Vivid Astro FocusFallope, 2020
Sidival FilaMetafora Bianco 97, 2021
Marion de RaucourtEl Olso, 2022
Marion de RaucourtLa dame Rose, 2022
Marion de RaucourtStool Minestrone 3 Feet, 2022
Marion de RaucourtStool Minestrone 4 feet, 2022
Sara RegalRed Mass Table, 2021
Thomas PerroteauTangerine Room Divider, 2023
Susy GómezQUANTUM XX, 2023
assume vivid astro focusDe Ladinho, 2023
Massimo Vitali#4663 Lencois Laguna do Peixe, 2013Edition of 6 + 2 AP (6/6)
Albert PinyaSonrisas para combatir la tristeza II, 2023
Amparo SardAnima, 2023
Amparo SardIntuition, 2023